matchday, image by nic jience

matchday, image by nic jience

Friday 29 May 2015

Blatter wins fifth term

Sepp Blatter wins fifth term on Friday despite all the corruption

Blatter at the opening
Blatter's victory came despite demands that he quit because of a major bribery scandal currently being investigated by the U.S., Swiss and other law enforcement agencies that sink the world soccer body into the worst crisis in its 111-year history

The elections when into the second face as either Blatter nor prince Ali, his challenger, had two thirds of the votes. Blatter had 133 and Prince Ali 73. Prince Ali later conceded. 

Blatter then declared: "Let's go FIFA, let's go FIFA," to a standing ovation after his victory.

Prince Ali, in his pitch before votes, said: "We have heard in recent days, voices which described our FIFA as an avaricious body which feeds on the game that the world loves.

"There are no easy answers. And no blame that can be cast that will wash away the stain that marks us all," he said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron told Blatter to go "the sooner the better". Chancellor Angela Merkel said the dirty side of soccer must be cleaned up.

FIFA and Sepp has been under the spotlight this pass week for corruption.

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